Congratulations to our August Attendance Drawing Winners! Attendance does matter, so please make sure that your student is present every day. There will be another drawing for students that are present each day in September.
3 days ago, Lancaster High School
August Drawing for Attendance
August Attendance Winner
A reminder that Tuesday, September 17th, is Parent-Teacher Conferences. There will be a 12:30 dismissal for students and conferences are from 2-6 pm.
7 days ago, Lancaster County Public Schools
Calendar Reminder
The Red Devil Band treated A lunch students to their version of a Flash Mob performance. What a treat! Go RED DEVILS!
7 days ago, Lancaster High School
Band performance
Band performance
Please see a letter from Superintendent Jessica Davis here
7 days ago, Lancaster County Public Schools
Mr. Suszek and Mr. Myers recently sat down with six members of the Red Devil Band as well as band director, Mr. Flester. Seniors Tyron Davenport and Destiny Carter, Juniors Jonathan Gaines and Isabel Keyser, and Sophomores Ryleigh Sorey and Drum Major Angelina Smith shared their time with Suszek and Myers. Right off the bat seniors Tyron Davenport and Destiny Carter declared that they would not be in the band if not for Mr. Flester's return. Destiny said she was dropping the class but when she heard Mr. Flester was returning she made the decision to stay and work with her former teacher at the middle school level. Tyron had left the band but returned when he heard Mr. Flester was returning. All members described Mr. Flester as the perfect leader. They described him as caring, patient, and always looking out for the best interest of his students. When asked what they liked about band the students indicated the following reasons. Ryleigh Sorey said it heightens school spirit and is enjoyable. Angelina Smith said she likes being able to help and assist younger students. Jonathan Gaines said he likes the people, the music and the trips are an awesome experience. Isabel Keyser indicated she likes the teamwork and the people in the band. Tyron said he enjoyed the bond between his band mates. Finally, Destiny Carter stated, "We participate and learn while also having fun doing it. It's always a pleasure to learn and play new music." The band has grown in numbers while maintaining excellent performance ratings. This year the band is over 50 members, a drastic increase from just two years ago. The band earned 1st Place in Marching at the November Oyster Festival last year. At the West Point Concert Band Assessment last March, the Red Devil Band (RDB) earned three excellent ratings and one superior rating in sight reading. Finally, at the Myrtle Beach Festivals of Music the RDB earned three excellent ratings and a first place in Marching. Additionally, the hotel staff during the band's stay in Myrtle Beach said the RDB was the best behaved group they had ever had. Go Red Devils! Kenny Flester stated, “I’ve truly enjoyed working with the high school band. It’s such a wonderful group of people, and I love spending time with them. I’m very proud of all of my band students and the progress they have made.” Come out and see the band in action at the first home football game on September 20th, or at Festivals in West Point, October 5, and Urbanna, November 2. This Spring, the band will travel to Atlanta for their band trip this year April 10 through April 13th. Thank you Red Devil Band for making your mark in our school and community.
10 days ago, Lancaster High School
Interview with LHS Band Director, Kenny Flester.
Interview with LHS Band students.
The Activity Bus will be running on Mondays and Wednesdays this year starting on September 16th. Please see the schedule for details.
11 days ago, Lancaster County Public Schools
Activity Bus Schedule
LCPS School Board will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, September 9, 2024 at 5:30 pm. The School Board meeting will be held at the Hayden Building at Dream Fields. Dream Fields is located at 1385 Irvington Road, Weems, VA, 22576. If you have any questions, please email
11 days ago, Lancaster County Public Schools
Senior Picture Day
17 days ago, Lancaster High School
Senior Picture Day
Attention Senior Families... Join us for our annual GET IN GEAR FOR SENIOR YEAR event on Tuesday, September 10th from 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
17 days ago, Lancaster High School
Get in Gear for Senior Year Night
We have had 16 new enrollments this school year at Lancaster High School. We sat down to interview four of these students about their first couple of weeks at LHS (from Left to Right Izzy Gill (9), Isabell Dew (9), Mr. Suszek (school counselor), Tatiana Salazar (9), and Ethan Marsh (8). Izzy Gill transferred over from Middlesex and joins the Lancaster High School family. She had already established a great friend group through playing softball over the years and looks forward to being on the same team as these girls for the next four years. The opportunity to take advanced coursework and enroll into the Early College Academy were other factors that led to her decision to choose Lancaster. Izzy has really enjoyed the social aspect of working together with people in class while getting to spend time with peers during breakfast, lunch, and after school. Izzy’s future plans after graduation are to either become an ultrasound technician or work as a private chef. Isabell Dew joins the Lancaster High School family after her time at Chesapeake Academy. Isabell loves the fresh start at a larger school environment where there are many opportunities to meet new people and take a variety of honors and dual enrollment classes. Isabell has loved the social experiences thus far and emphasizes how helpful and kind her peers have been in school and all of the love and support she feels from her volleyball teammates. After hearing about and watching the experiences of her brother Leyton, a 2024 LHS graduate, she was completely sold on enrolling at Lancaster. After high school, she plans on pursuing her passion of becoming a marine biologist. Tatiana Salazar moved this summer from Louisiana and joins the Lancaster High School family. She describes the students in her classes as welcoming and accepting of her and states how easily she has made new friends–even as quickly as her first period class on the very first day of school. Her favorite classes this year are Spanish and World History I. In addition to those classes, Tatiana plays a variety of instruments and has joined the LHS band. Tatiana owns a variety of different animals and plans to one day go college somewhere in Virginia and become a veterinarian after she graduates from LHS. Ethan Marsh joins the Lancaster High School family after being homeschooled since 4th grade. As an 8th grader, he is currently taking two classes that will earn him a high school credit-Algebra I and Air Force JROTC I. Ethan is a member of the football team and going to practice after school is always one of the highlights of his day. He stated that the adjustment to high school has been smooth and that learning how to use the lockers has been a better experience than he had anticipated. Ethan’s future plans after graduation include earning an athletic scholarship to play football while majoring in agricultural science.
17 days ago, Lancaster High School
Interview with newly transferred students.
Mr. Myers and Mr. Suszek recently sat down with two outstanding seniors at Lancaster High School. Picture L - R: Mr. Suszek (Counselor), Brandon Bishop, Tahlia Sutton, Ms. Demetra Payne (Counselor) Brandon Bishop said the school year is off to a great start. He made the decision to embark on a new opportunity this school year, taking welding at the Glenns RCC campus. He said his father, a welder by trade, was his inspiration to take the welding class. Brandon Bishop said he believes you should, "Take every opportunity you get because the opportunity may only come around once." He appreciates the opportunity Lancaster Public Schools has afforded him. Brandon is also playing football this year. He is a returning varsity letterman. He stated football is going great again this year and he thinks the team will be successful. He said a life lesson sports has taught him is you must be coachable, both as a student and in other areas of your life. Tahlia Sutton, a senior, is a returning varsity volleyball player. She said the year is going great so far and she thinks the team will be successful. Tahlia has taken 6 dual enrollment classes at LHS. She appreciates the opportunity to earn 24 college credits while at LHS and be able to transfer to her future 4-year college experience. She hopes to attend High Point or CNU and major in Forensic Psychology after high school. Tahlia's message to future Red Devils is "Enjoy your high school experience, Mistakes will be made, there are only tougher challenges ahead. Continue to work hard and push yourself through it." We wish both seniors a great senior year at Lancaster High School. Each student understands the importance of the Red Devil Way - skill development, work ethic, and citizenship. Go Red Devils!
22 days ago, Lancaster High School
LHS Senior Interviews
Mr. Myers and Mr. Suszek recently sat down with three outstanding 8th graders at Lancaster High School. L - R: Jahmia Murphy, Lucas Davis, and Zeric Jones. All three students were identified by the teachers as being positive students at LHS. All three students said they liked their 44-minute classes. Jahmia said she likes the structure and the opportunity to mature at LHS. All three students said they have become comfortable with the new no cell phone policy. They agreed that it was hard at first but the new policy has created more learning time and more structure. Zeric is playing football and plans to play basketball. His goal is to pass all his classes and SOLs this year and go to college after high school. Lucas plans to play soccer this year. His favorite class is Algebra and he plans to get good grades and pass his SOL tests. Jahmia is in the band at LHS. She said the people (students and teachers) have been nice. She hopes to learn a great deal this school year and go to college after high school. We wish all three students a great 8th grade year at Lancaster High School. Each student represents a member of the student body that understands the Red Devil Way - skill development, work ethic, and citizenship. Go Red Devils!
23 days ago, Lancaster High School
8th Grade Student Interviews
THANK YOU to Bon Secours for their donation of disinfectant wipes and tissues for the classroom. Our students and staff greatly appreciate it!
24 days ago, Lancaster High School
THANK YOU to Bon Secours donates tissues and  disinfecting wipes.
We are in the last week of August! If your child has had perfect attendance for August, your name gets entered into a raffle.
25 days ago, Lancaster County Public Schools
Attendance Raffle Information
Shout out to LHS Freshman Logan Brent! We recently sat down with LHS Freshman Logan Brent who is taking Engineering at the Northern Neck Technical Center. Logan, who also participates in cross country and tennis, has thoroughly enjoyed the Tech Center experience. He enjoys the hands-on instruction and higher level thinking utilized in his Engineering class. Recently, his class built catapults with rubber bands and popsicle sticks to measure both distance and precision. Logan's latest class project is constructing a 3D model of a chess set using 3D modeling software. Logan hopes to attend the Chesapeake Bay Governor's School during his last three years of high school. He is excited about earning college credits while still in high school. He said one of his tennis teammates recently graduated from Lancaster High School with 53 college credits. Logan is a fantastic example of a strong student-athlete. Best wishes Logan on a great 2024-2025 school year!
25 days ago, Lancaster High School
VoTech Student Spotlight
Upcoming Picture Days at LHS... Grades 8 - 11 - Tuesday, August 27th Seniors- Thursday, September 5th
29 days ago, Lancaster High School
LHS Picture Day
Join us for our LHS Back to School Open House- Thursday, August 8th from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
about 2 months ago, Lancaster High School
LHS Open House- Thursday, August 8th from 6:00-7:30 p,m,
Attention rising 8th graders and families... We would like to invite you all to the 8th Grade Orientation at Lancaster High School on Tuesday, August 6th from 6:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m. Schedule for the Evening 6:00- Welcome and High School Expectation Meeting 6:15- Schedule Distribution 6:30- Schedule Walk-Thru (visit with each teacher according to student schedule) This evening will be an opportunity for you and your student to ask questions, tour LHS, meet the teachers, and a great way to connect with teachers and other 8th grade students before the first day of school! If you have any questions, please call the front office at 462-5100 ex. 4001.
about 2 months ago, Lancaster High School
8th Grade Orientation on August 6th from 6:00-7:00 pm.
The School Board will have a work session on July 31st, 2024 at Front Porch Coffee House. The meeting will be held from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Front Porch Coffee House is located at 139 South Main Street in Kilmarnock.
about 2 months ago, Lancaster County Public Schools
Lancaster High School Grow Your Own Program, Teachers for Tomorrow, makes an impact for Lancaster students in 2024.
3 months ago, Lancaster High School