"Welcome to Lancaster Early Childhood Education Center" with a picture of the front of the ECEC building

235 School St, Kilmarnock, VA 22482

804-462-5100 ext 5103

Drop Off is from 7:45am-8:15am | School Hours are 8:15am-3:00pm | Pick Up starts at 3:00pm

Important Information

ECEC Merchandise

A portion of the proceeds will go to our school. Click here to purchase!


Upcoming Events

Calendar of the Month

Our Vision

Our mission is to establish a Public-Private partnership to provide an inclusive quality education center for our children prior to entering kindergarten. It is the goal of LCPS and NN YMCA to serve as many students in Lancaster County through a collaborative 3 & 4 year old program. Working together, we will utilize shared resources to provide quality early intervention and instruction. Our center will include a diverse group of children learning through a holistic approach.

Drop Off & Pick Up Locations

Map detailing Pick Up and Drop Off Information

Please see the following information for how the parent pick up and drop off will be for the school year. Parent drop off is at 7:45am. Parent pick up is at 3:00pm.