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New Student Registration

What you will need to bring with you - Required Documents

  1. Proof of residency in Lancaster County

  • Proof of residency must include the parent/legal guardians’ name and 911 address and must be dated. No post office boxes.

  • Proof of residency document examples:  mortgage statement, deed, rental agreement, utility bill, tax statement, etc…

  • Parent/Guardian ID: driver’s license

  • If you are residing in a home with permission from the homeowner, you will need the homeowner to complete a “Certificate of Residency Form”.  This form must be completed at the school board office and notarized there. The homeowner must appear in person along with the parent/guardian and bring proof of residency and driver’s license as ID with the parent/guardian.

  1. Other documents

  • Copy of birth certificate (Note: an original birth certificate (not a copy) is required in order to register a child for Pre-K or Kindergarten)

  • Court documents that have specific orders related to child custody.