Hot Summer Styles Now at Your LANCASTER HIGH SCHOOL Sideline Store
nnd tournament championship baseball game info
baseball game change
senior soccer night
golf tournament flyer
Calendar UPDATE Tuesday, May 30th and Wednesday, May 31st will now be staff work days rather than student days. The last student day is now Friday, May 26th.
Sports Schedule Change
lhs logo
important dates
senior prom
Information about May 18 issue of Rapp Record. Contact 804-465-1701 for more information
PreK 3&4 and Kindergarten Registration Opportunities
lhs scoccer
3rd Annual Red Devils Athletics Golf Tournament.
LCPS Countywide Art Show: Saturday April 22, 2023 9am - Noon in the LHS Gym
baseball softball game change
lhs cap and gown delivery
lhs sports
Northern Neck Technical Center 2023 Competition Results
lhs junior night