Please see the traffic pattern for details about our parent pick-up and drop-off pattern.
- All cars will enter to the right of the Early Childhood Education Center on School Street, regardless of what school they are dropping off for.
- There is a blue loop and a red loop in the traffic pattern above.
- The blue loop (the left lane) is for the Early Childhood Center. If you have students in both buildings, you will use the blue loop (left lane).
- The red loop (the right lane) is for Lancaster Elementary School.
In the morning, all cars exiting school property will have to turn right onto School Street in order to speed up the flow of traffic.
Please note that we will not allow cars to enter the drop-off lanes until 7:45 for the morning and 2:45 for the afternoon.
We will have staff situated throughout these traffic patterns to help, and we appreciate your patience in advance.