Lancaster Middle School Mission
Mission Statement
Lancaster Middle School staff, in collaboration with its students, families, and community members, will provide a safe, welcoming, and encouraging learning environment where all students will learn through challenging and engaging educational experiences. Through positive interactions and instruction, which cultivate and foster each student’s innate curiosity and potential, all of our children will become independent life-long learners and productive members of society.
Our Objectives
To develop a positive school climate.
To provide the opportunity for all students to achieve.
To provide hands-on learning experiences for all students.
To provide opportunities for students to work and learn cooperatively.
To provide opportunities for all students to master basic learning skills and study habits.
To provide opportunities for students to develop and use higher order thinking skills.
To provide opportunities for students to develop critical and creative thinking and problem-solving skills.
To provide opportunities for students to see the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge throughout the learning process.
To compliment the instructional program through flexible scheduling and organization. To implement effective instructional practice based on research.
To provide opportunities for students to see how technology influences the world of work.
To provide opportunities for students needing enrichment to receive the necessary instruction.
To provide opportunities for a successful transition from middle school to high school.
To provide opportunities for parents to be an integral part of the school and learning process.
To provide opportunities for our school and the community to work together.